Ресурс 1logo arcskills <.g> Генеральное представительство «Кемппи Россия»
в Центральном Федеральном округе и
Красноярском крае
8 (800) 551-38-64


Глобальная сеть поддержки KEMPPI состоит из специалистов и экспертов выского уровня, в задачи которых входит решение любых проблем. Наша цель, сделать вашу работу с оборудованием и программным обеспечением Кемппи как можно проще, поэтому мы собрали ряд инструментов и приложений, с помощью которых будут решены большинсво Ваших потребностей и запросов.

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Гарантия и возврат

We take pride in our welding equipment. Therefore we offer a worldwide warranty system which will help our customers to feel at ease everywhere in the world. We at Kemppi also want to emphasize the safety issues related to welding. Equipment that works and welders who follow the safety rules are the key factors in successful welding process.

Гарантия. Kemppi welding equipment is designed and tested for professional industrial environments and is covered by a limited global warranty. When you buy your welding equipment from a Kemppi representative (dealer or distributor), your equipment will be registered in our warranty register database by the seller and your warranty is immediately activated. If, for example, your product is broken and you need to check to see if it is covered by a Kemppi warranty, please contact your nearest Kemppi representative. Download the full details of Kemppi warranty policy above.

Возврат продукции. Our global support network makes life easier for you, in every situation. After purchasing welding equipment, we kindly ask you to inspect that the packaging, product, and content of the box to ensure that it is intact and includes all the stated items. If, for some reason, your equipment has a flaw, we kindly ask you to contact the Kemppi representative from whom you have bought the equipment. They will take your defective or otherwise faulty product and it will either be repaired under the Kemppi warranty or shipped back to our factory and you will be sent new equipment promptly. Download the full details of Kemppi return policy above.